Family Holding

The Holding Familiar is an excellent tool to protect assets, organize succession, and, not least, save taxes. In Brazil, the rule for transferring a deceased person’s assets to heirs is through probate. However, probate is a costly, bureaucratic, and potentially traumatic procedure that exposes the assets to deterioration and potential debts. In this chaotic scenario, the Holding Familiar is presented as a robust and secure system to keep the assets in the family and make them grow over the years.

The Holding Familiar is a tool intended to protect the assets of a family. It involves setting up a company whose objective is to manage the family’s assets and provide estate planning. This type of holding does not aim to carry out a specific commercial activity but to manage, maintain, and develop these assets, allowing its clients to enjoy them securely.

Having a holding makes it possible to facilitate the hereditary succession, guarantee the security, custody, control, and protection of the family’s assets. In summary, it is also possible to develop strategic, financial, and legal planning mechanisms.

The Family Patrimonial (and Succession) Planning arises as an alternative to the long and expensive judicial and extrajudicial processes of probate and division, with solutions for managing, preserving, and transmitting assets between generations, from the asset holder(s) to their heir(s), minimizing costs, accelerating the succession process, and preserving the author’s inheritance will.

Avenida Antônio Carlos Magalhães, nº 2487, Ed. Fernandez Plaza, 7º andar, Parque Bela Vista, Salvador-Bahia, CEP 40280-000