Financial and Banking

Filing and monitoring of executions and defenses, monitory actions, or judicial collection actions (ordinary procedure), at all instances. Preparation and sending of notices and notifications. Extrajudicial collection. Asset search. Judicial and extrajudicial execution.

Preparation, analysis, and revision of loan agreements, revolving credit opening, digital account, credit card, bank credit bills, assignment and fiduciary alienation of credit rights, etc. Banking actions in general.

  • Advice on financial transactions in general, such as hiring local and international loans and financing, including export financing, and debt issuance abroad.
  • Advice on foreign exchange operations
  • Advice to foreign investors on investments and structured operations in the financial and capital markets.
  • Advice to insurers and clients in general on insurance policies and claims, providing all necessary legal support for the correct understanding and solution of cases.
  • Assistance in administrative and judicial litigation involving regulatory agencies, such as the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the National Private Insurance Superintendence (SUSEP), the National Agency of Supplementary Health (ANS), and the National Superintendence of Complementary Pension (PREVIC).
  • Assistance in crypto assets and other technologies applied to the banking and financial segment.

Avenida Antônio Carlos Magalhães, nº 2487, Ed. Fernandez Plaza, 7º andar, Parque Bela Vista, Salvador-Bahia, CEP 40280-000