Financial and Succession Planning

Is the key to preserving family wealth and ensuring the well-being of future generations. Based on family values and business profile, it prevents disputes and strengthens family governance.

With a multidisciplinary team that is sensitive and experienced in dealing with complex cases, we are able to accurately diagnose the needs and goals of families to provide personalized solutions and legal security, ensuring efficiency and sustainability to the planning.

We handle topics related to this process with the care and confidentiality they require. Our lawyers are prepared to deal not only with technical issues, but also with the emotional aspects of negotiations, contributing to the stability and well-being of the family throughout the planning and asset transition process.

We are a long-standing and trusted partner of our clients for important family and business decisions.

We use our expertise in family holding, tax law, corporate law, litigation, family law, and succession law to achieve a unique modeling that reflects the reality of each family and its assets. With our experience and in-depth knowledge of the regulations that govern these topics, we develop perennial pacts and contracts with high legal robustness.

Our work includes corporate reorganizations and asset structuring, income taxation, donations, and inheritance involving assets in Brazil and abroad. We prepare various instruments inherent to asset and succession planning, such as wills, donation contracts, family council constitution, family protocols, prenuptial agreements, shareholders’ agreements, establishment of investment funds and companies, family holding, among others. We also advise our clients in the establishment and regularization of their relationships (marriage and common-law marriage) and their patrimonial effects (property regimes and in the event of ruptures – divorce and dissolution of the union), as well as in judicial and extrajudicial inventories.


The asset and succession planning of families often involves philanthropic initiatives aimed at perpetuating a legacy or strengthening a cause. We work in the creation and development of institutes, associations, and foundations for investment in projects related to culture, health, education, social assistance, environmental preservation, and other thematic axes.

We advise our clients in the process of setting up non-profit organizations, in the development of governance systems for the third sector, in obtaining tax certificates and exemptions, and in the formation of philanthropic endowment funds.

Avenida Antônio Carlos Magalhães, nº 2487, Ed. Fernandez Plaza, 7º andar, Parque Bela Vista, Salvador-Bahia, CEP 40280-000