Social Security

Social Security Law is based on social rights and establishes the regulations of Social Security. New laws and procedures adopted by INSS make this area of Law one of the most innovative and dynamic, with constant changes in the legal scenario. P&L, with its always updated team and attentive to changes, seeks, through administrative or judicial proceedings, to ensure what is the citizen’s right in any demand related to Social Security.

Retirement Requests

  • Retirement by contribution time
  • Retirement by points
  • Special retirement
  • Retirement by age
  • Rural retirement by age
  • Disability retirement

Retirement Review

  • Full-life revision
  • Ceiling revision
  • Article 29 revision
  • Review due to labor lawsuit
  • Best DIB revision
  • Revision for those who had two concurrent jobs

Application for Aid

  • Sickness aid
  • Imprisonment aid
  • Accident aid
  • Maternity aid
  • Death pension

Avenida Antônio Carlos Magalhães, nº 2487, Ed. Fernandez Plaza, 7º andar, Parque Bela Vista, Salvador-Bahia, CEP 40280-000