Tax Law

We work in judicial and administrative proceedings involving all types of federal, state, and municipal taxes, whether in annulment actions or tax executions.

Tax Law is the branch of law that studies the collection of taxes, such as fees and taxes, in order to regulate and supervise the legal relationships established between the State and the taxpayer. In the tax area, Polibio & Lago Advogados seeks to assist individuals and/or legal entities in the resolution of the most diverse issues – whether consultative or contentious, administrative or judicial. Working in judicial and administrative defenses at all levels of jurisdiction, P&L aims to defend its clients against government penalties, protecting them from state arbitrariness, such as:

  • Administrative and judicial actions regarding infringement notices, tax refund, reimbursement, and compensation processes
  • Challenging tax requirements, aiming at their refund
  • Defense in tax executions and administrative tax processes
  • Assistance in federal, state, and municipal audit responses

In the consultative area, P&L’s specialized team offers consistent analysis on various tax topics, such as:

Tax review and planning, aiming to reduce the tax burden on legal entities
Assistance in structuring or restructuring business and entrepreneurial activities
Preparation of opinions on more complex tax issues

Finally, through constant dialogue between the areas of Tax Law and Family Law, P&L works in estate and succession planning, adopting efficient strategies for wealth transfer.

Avenida Antônio Carlos Magalhães, nº 2487, Ed. Fernandez Plaza, 7º andar, Parque Bela Vista, Salvador-Bahia, CEP 40280-000